Saturday, December 18, 2010

should i smile or it shouldn't be that way ?

haha. ape pnye soalan aku tny kt dia .
tp tapelaa. utk puaskan hati aku jgk kn .so aku tny psl tuh .
okayy . bole plak dia tnye aku dulu psl tuh .
siot jeh . but thn ok aku dh jwb, turn dia plak jwb . interesting ! 
tp bole plak dia bgtau ade 2 org . okay . aku mmg dh agk dh.
jwpn dia mmg mnydhkn. but, dlm 2 org tu aku 1 of it . haha. should i smile fr that ?
tah la .tk kot . mcm tk best plak kn dia ckp smpy 2 org .
yg lg sorg tu bdk sem1 . sape ???? 
nk tauuuuu pleasee . :(
tp mcm . ok . no hard feeling . i think sooo .
haihhh . what did you expect nora ?
damn! -.- stop it pleasee .