Wednesday, August 4, 2010


i realy wonder why im the one who has to feel the pain. the pain that comes from the hole from my chest. its realy hurt me so fucking muchh. :( seriously i can't face him. it so irritating me. hmm. knpe aku yg kene hdpi smue ny? ape slh aku? perit tak terkata. hanya aku sorg yg alaminyer. kau yg bwt aku jd begini. tp knpe? kau brjnjy takkn ulangi kslpn ex ku. ttpi kau masih melakukan bnde yg sama. terima kasih. :) if kau ckp kau still tgu aku. bttr forget abt it. bcos i won't turning back to u. i WON'T. keep ma word. i won't break my promise. i'll forgive for what u've done. but i won't forget till the last of my breath. :) aku akn igt stiap kata2 kau, n perbuatan kau. mcmane kau hncurkan hati aku. aku redha. :) maybe ade hikmah disebalik ape yg berlaku. betapa perit aku rasa, betapa aku menderita. kau takkn pnh tw tu. ape yg kau tw, hny membalas dndm. even punce kte ptus d'sbbkn kau. kau ttp nk bls mcm2 kt aku. uh gosh. wtf weh. tapee. aku trime! karma babe. what goes around will comes around. u'll pay for it. that's for sure. :)

true said.