Saturday, July 31, 2010

LOVE like you've never been hurt.

them. ♥

this is fara. :)
this are the girls that i mention just now. :) intan and fara.
At first when I get to know her. I thought she was so arrogant. bt thn when the first time I hangout with her, playing badminton. haha. she's quite nice. she's a friends of my ex bf. :) act a bestfriends of my ex mayb. what i know is they're rely close. :) tak sngka act msk U yg same. heh. nsb dy ok. so ktorg bole ngam with each othr. time registration day. dpt tw yg dy pny rumah just dkt ats rumah aku. haha. mmg best gile ah kn. nsb dpt dkt. klo blok jaoh2 msty dah tak ngam dah skrg. n thn jpe lg sorg girl ny. nama dy intan. housemate fara. tak sngke bole ngam smpy skrg. mule2 tgk pn mcm sombong gile. tp dah lme knl. dorg smue baikk n hotstuff! HAHA.

hngout with girlfriends. ♥

today tak jd pg kenduri sai sbb fara keje td. tp syokk gile. dpt hangout dgn fara, biela and intan. hee. lpk dkt selayang mall je. teman intan shopping. lps tu ambik kn spect mama smbl lalu. ppe pon have fun today ! tgkp gmba byk gile. HAHA. :D